
Kenyalight Project Limited - a social enterprise

Solar PV- for the people of kenya - Clean Energy for all. Solar Computers to...

Lights & phone chargers - High quality longer lasting, long term maintenance & community training.


PSECC Headquarters UK - Portsmouth Sustainable Energy & Climate Change Centre - PSECC

Solar Kits for the people of Kenya - from 10W to 130W - pay monthly


iluminate Kenya


It’s not just Polar Bears at Risk & dying but Humans are dying too due to Climate Change.

Kenyalight - Project Ltd - OFF GRID & MINI-GRID proposals - commencing with a trial in the Ngong Region and then each Province and District will be targetted to bring Solar PV to the people of Kenya -  pay on a monthly basis.   An Alan Brewer & Joe Mwai project founders of Kenyalight - Manuel Wiechers and iluMexico are project partners. The introduction of this technology will be in a Sustainable manner offering Government the chance to link into revenue streams from FIT’s.


Psecc-Kenya based in Nairobi has been developing along with Alan Brewer MSc in the UK The Kenyalight project - bringing Off Grid & Mini-Grid Solar Energy to the people of Kenya and provide loans. This will help reduce Climate Change and Global Warming together with providing the people with much needed electricity. Our Solar Kits can provide a Stepping Stone into larger Solar PV systems - 10W to 130W. Loans available with no need for up front payment for solar PV system, which you may want.

A Joe Mwai project with Caroline Mwai & Alan Brewer MSc.

Background information - FIT


Joe Mwai (centre) of Kenyalight at the Kenyan Embassy in London


Alan Brewer MSc - Founder of Kenyalight - Environmental Engineer - BREEAM Global Trained - facilitator


Caroline Mwai - Legal Director for Kenyalight


Manuel Wiechers and iluMexico are project partners..


  Solar for Africa Blog | Small solar lights are set to transform the way ...



Manuel Wiechers of ILUMEXICO Partner of kenyalight


Update on ISES


Exclusive: Huge water reserve discovered in Kenya


The Ngong villages can be transformed having Solar PV off grid systems and in some cases mini grid systems for lighting, phone & Laptop chargers and eventually 240 V sockets for TV, Fridges and other commercial activity - paid for on a  monthly basis by each person that require a system. Solar Laptops are also available with loans.

Typicical costs from $200 for a 10W solar PV system - a Stepping Stone into larger systems. System range from 10W to 130W Solar Kits.

As kenya develops it’s Renewable Energy market it is a good opportunity for the Country to use the “Resource Ownership” concept whereby the Government could own, for example solar Farms and receive revenues from the Feed-In-Tariff and not the Developers.

“Resource Ownership” concept   - As Kenya develop Solar PV it is important that this development is truly Sustainable. The “Resource Ownership” concept could enable long term Sustainable Energy for the Country and not just exploited by quick buck companies. - a concept developed by Alan.J.Brewer MSc. over 18 years of PSECC’s work - a concept whereby a Province or District can receive extra funding from Renewable Energy generation by owning such things as Solar Farms & Wind turbines. The revenue will come from the Feed-In-Tariff (FIT) paid per KW generated   $millions..   GOVERNMENT OWN THE RESOURCES WITHIN YOUR BOUNDARY,  PSECC-KENYA can assist in raising all funding required for such development as Solar Farms and Wind Turbines to be owned by the Government. After Kenyalight Trial and phase one, two and three into phase four then any costs associated with building a Solar Farm or Wind Turbines are paid back from the FIT so there is no requirement for funding or cash outlay from Governments - PSECC supply Energy Savings & Resource Ownership loans.....



- Kenyalight project will use this model for developing this for Kenya to bring light to to the darkness Kenya through loans.

Kenya Light and Power Co - Visionary Pictures

Rural Energy Foundation, Sub-Saharan Africa - Ashden Awards click on link & go to videos

Kenya Light and Power Company - Existing Power Company - do an extremely excellent job in Kenya.Kenya Light and Power Company - this is a well established and very excellent power company in Kenya already but is not associated with our project.

kenya landscape 3


http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=OeqkgTJP4C8 - Nigeria devlopments

Visit SolarAid

Click on link to the right and then click on movies on site.

SunnyMoney – SolarAid's social enterprise selling solar lights in Africa - click on link, then visit Solar Aid then click on movies.

Discussions are currently taking place between Kenyalight and SunnyMoney & SolarAid to see if they can assist in reaching the people of Kenya and help develop Kenyalight.


I think this man would say


This is a very good idea

iluminate Mexico

iluminate Kenya


Rural Energy Foundation, Sub-Saharan Africa ... - Ashden Awards


Solar PV Village Off Grid Solar systems

The Ngong villages can be transformed having Solar PV Off-grid systems for lighting, Phone chargers or Laptop chargers and eventually 240 V socket for each hut when we have built phase four a 10 MW solar Farm in Ngong and connected to the local sub station and mini-grid system.

PSECC - KENYA would eventually like to assist the Government of Kenya with Solar PV grid systems to be .made available to all villages in Kenya, especially Northern Kenya & funded with the help of PSECC. There is another solar light scheme - Indigo, their solar pv systems are 2.5W, seen below on the roof of the villsge hut, which aim to scale up access to solar power for Kenya’s poor, are marketed using an installment plan that puts the 10,000-shilling (about $120) pack within reach of people with modest incomes. After an initial deposit of 1,000 shillings, the user makes weekly payments of 120 shillings ($1.40) for 80 weeks before fully owning the system.

Scratch cards with codes enable purchasers to make their payments securely from home via SMS – using their mobile phone, which also can be kept charged with the solar kits. We would also like to help the Government produce the “Resource Ownership” concept in order to obtain revenue streams from Renewable Energy projects throughout Kenya.

ESCO formation will be required together with the utilization of a Government Feed-In-Tariff (FIT) that will provide payments per KW for Renewable Energy generated from Solar PV, Biomass Energy Crops, Wind, Geothermal, Wind, EFW and Hyrdo Electricity. PSECC a UK base company together with PSECC-KENYA wish to link in with SolarAid & possible SunnyMoney- who may assist the kenyalight projects.

Kenyalight - will commence contacting the people of Kenya starting the Governor of Ngong. The University of Nairobi will be asked for support and for student assistance in survey work, Head teachers of Schools and Church Ministers.  Joe Mwai of Kenyalight has had numerous discussions with Governors who have expressed great interest in Kenyalight. Visits to individual villages will also be made and a list of the first 500 people wishing a Kenyalight solar pv kit system will be complied in line with ILUMEXICO methodology & documentation.

The villages in Kenya can be transformed having Solar PV Off Grid & Mini-grid systems -  smallest systems are 10W - two lights and one phone charger. Larger systems are possible upto 130W for 240 V sockets for running fridges and TV and other commercial activities. The clans in the Provinces and Districts could actually “Own the Sun’s Reources”. “Resouce Ownership” Concept in action....... each District could collectively receive revenues from the Feed-In-Tariff of Kenya for every KW generated from renewable energy schemes. One such scheme would be phase four of Kenyalight - 10MW Solar Farm for Ngong.


IndiGo solar kits - produced by the UK company Azuri Technologies

These are only 2.5W Solar kits - Kenyalight smallest Solar kit is 10W much better quality and allow more devices such as Laptop and phone chargers and more lights - loans available.


- Kenyalight project will use this model for developing this for Kenya to bring light to to the darkness Kenya through loans.


Manuel Wuchers has been in communication with Alan Brewer of Kenyalight and agreed to partner the project in Kenya.

ILUMEXICO - will produce all documentation and methodology for the trial project and guidance given to Kenyalight staff.

The estimated cost of the 500 home trial is appx. $300,000 to $400,000

Community training for local engineering students, school children & ongoing community support programme.

Local entrepreneurs can open up commercial stores and Solar Pv can provide for other commercial activities.


Manuel Wiechers and iluMexico

Manuel has been a major key partner and his team ILUMEXICO,, they bring their experience from Mexico to the people of Kenya.


Kenyalight - Caroline Mwai will commence contacting the people of Kenya starting with the University Of Nairobi, Head teachers of Schools and Church Ministers.  Joe Mwai of Kenyalight has had numerous discussions with Governors who have expressed great interest in Kenyalight. Visits to individual villages will also be made and a list of the first 500 people wishing to have a Kenyaligh solar pv kit system and loan will be complied in line with ILUMEXICO methodology & documentation.


- Kenyalight project will use this model for developing this for Kenya to bring light to to the darkness Kenya through loans.


Leading international charity - homepage » SolarAid



SolarAid is a leading international charity organisation offering solar solutions to issues such as climate change and global poverty in Africa. Discussions are currently taking place between Kenyalight and SunnyMoney & SolarAid and they are to assist Kenyalight.