
Kenyalight Project Limited - a social enterprise

Solar PV- for the people of kenya - Clean Energy for all. Solar Computers to...

Lights & phone chargers - High quality longer lasting, long term maintenance & community training.


PSECC Headquarters UK - Portsmouth Sustainable Energy & Climate Change Centre - PSECC

Solar Kits for the people of Kenya - from 10W to 130W - pay monthly


iluminate Kenya


It’s not just Polar Bears at Risk & dying but Humans are dying too due to Climate Change.

Solar electricity kits for the people of Kenya -

A Joe Mwai, Alan Brewer & Manuel Wiechers project - Manuel Wiechers and iluMexico are project partners for Off Grid & Mini-Grid Solar systems. Linda from SolarAid in Nairobi are assisting Kenyalight. Our Solar Kits start from $200, loans are available with no up front requirement of payment, for a much larger than other systems being offered in kenya, better quality 10W system pay weekly or monthly, we also train local community, engineering students and school children.


Alan.J.Brewer MSc Environmental Engineering (Portsmouth University) 1997

UK City Energy Policy, County Energy Strategy, Country Waste Strategy BREEAM Global trained Founder of Kenyalight


  Solar for Africa Blog | Small solar lights are set to transform the way ...



Alan.J.Brewer MSc


A Joe Mwai project (centre)



A Joe Mwai project with Caroline Mwai & Alan Brewer MSc.

Rural Energy Foundation, African villages lit up by solar ... - YouTube

Update on ISES

Initial survey of Ngong will be organised & coordinated by Carole Mwai of PSECC-KENYA & Kenyalight - Manuel Wiechers of iluMexico, project partners will produce all survey documents and guide the whole process.

SunnyMoney – SolarAid's social enterprise selling solar lights in Africa - click on link, then visit Solar Aid then click on movies.

The villages can be transformed having Solar PV Off-grid & Mini-Grid systems for lighting, Phone chargers or Laptop chargers and eventually 240 V socket for each hut when we have built phase four a 10 MW solar Farm in Ngong and connected to the local sub station and mini-grid system. Solar Laptops are also available with loans.


iluminate Mexico

iluminate Kenya

“Resource Ownership” concept

As Kenya & Ngong develop Solar PV it is important that this development is truly Sustainable. The “Resource Ownership” concept could enable long term Sustainable Energy for the Country and not just exploited by quick buck companies. - a concept developed by Alan.J.Brewer MSc. over 18 years of PSECC’s work - a concept whereby a Province or District can receive extra funding from Renewable Energy generation by owning such things as Solar Farms & Wind turbines. The revenue will come from the Feed-In-Tariff (FIT) paid per KW generated  $millions..  GOVERNMENT OWN THE RESOURCES WITHIN YOUR BOUNDARY, PSECC-KENYA can assist in raising all funding required for such development as Solar Farms and Wind Turbines to be owned by the Government. After Kenyalight Trial and phase one, two and three into phase four then any costs associated with building a Solar Farm or Wind Turbines are paid back from the FIT so there is no requirement for funding or cash outlay from Governments - PSECC supply Energy Savings & Resource Ownership loans.....




Assisting kenyalight-Projects Ltd

formation of IEDL SPV company for Solar Farms


Lets resolve Climate Change for our Children & their children

Alan.J.Brewer MSc

UK City Energy Policy, County Energy Strategy, Country Waste Strategy - Founder of Kenyalight



Manuel Wiechers and iluMexico

Manuel has been a major key partner and his team ILUMEXICO,, they bring their experience from Mexico to the people of Kenya.

ILUMEXICO - will produce all documentation and methodology for the trial project and guidance given to Kenyalight staff.

Kenyalight - will commence contacting the people of Kenya starting with the Governor of Ngong and Elder Chiefs, Head teachers of Schools and Church Ministers. Joe Mwai of Kenyalight has had numerous discussions with Governors who have expressed great interest in Kenyalight. Visits to individual villages will also be made and a list of the first 500 people wishing to have a Kenyaligh solar pv kit system and loan will be complied in line with ILUMEXICO methodology & documentation.


- Kenyalight project will use this model for developing this for Kenya to bring light to to the darkness Kenya through loans.


Caroline Mwai

Legal Director for Kenyalighgt

Leading international charity - homepage » SolarAid



SolarAid is a leading international charity organisation offering solar solutions to issues such as climate change and global poverty in Africa. Discussions are currently taking place between Kenyalight and SunnyMoney & SolarAid and they are to assist Kenyalight.


iluminate Kenya

Discussions are currently taking place between Kenyalight and SunnyMoney & SolarAid and they to assist Kenyalight.


Our Solar Kits can provide a Stepping Stone into larger Solar PV systems - 10W to 130W - funding and loans will be available..

kenya landscape 3

Kenyalight Solar PV system - lights, phone charger and laptop charger supplied through ILUMEXICO via loans.

Solar Laptops are also available with loans.


Visit SolarAid



Rural Energy Foundation, Sub-Saharan Africa ... - Ashden Awards

Discussions are currently taking place between Kenyalight and SunnyMoney & SolarAid to see if they can assist in reaching the people of Kenya and help develop Kenyalight.

As Kenya & Ngong region develop Solar PV it is important that this development is truly Sustainable. The “Resource Ownership” concept could enable long term Sustainable Energy for the Country and not just exploited by quick buck companies. - a concept developed by Alan.J.Brewer MSc. over 18 years of PSECC’s work - a concept whereby a Province or District can receive extra funding from Renewable Energy generation by owning such things as Solar Farms & Wind turbines. The revenue will come from the Feed-In-Tariff (FIT) paid per KW generated  $millions..  GOVERNMENT OWN THE RESOURCES WITHIN YOUR BOUNDARY, PSECC-KENYA can assist in raising all funding required for such development as Solar Farms and Wind Turbines to be owned by the Government. After Kenyalight Trial and phase one, two and three into phase four then any costs associated with building a Solar Farm or Wind Turbines are paid back from the FIT so there is no requirement for funding or cash outlay from Governments - PSECC supply Energy Savings & Resource Ownership loans.....

PSECC - Kenya On the 16th July 2013 commenced a trial of Kenylight - Off Grid electricity for the people of Kenya

UNEP - Renewable Energy Performance Platform - PSECC have approached UNEP & Kiva in the USA for consideration for Field Partner status

PSECC have been asked by the UNEP to submit proposals for First Mover Projects



















Total installed electricity capacity (2010): 1,429 MW
Hydro-electric: 52.1%
Conventional Thermal: 32.5%
Geothermal: 13.2%
Wind, Others: 2.2%

Total primary energy supply (2009): 18,723 ktoe
Comb. Renew. and Waste: 76.0%
Oil and Products: 16.5%
Geothermal/solar/wind: 6.2%
Hydro-electric: 1.0%
Coal: 0.3%

Electricity demand in the country is significantly rising mainly due to the accelerated productive investment and increasing population. Historically, energy demand is positively correlated with economic and population growth rates. Currently the electricity demand is 1,191 MW against an effective installed capacity of 1,429 MW under normal hydrology. This gives a reserve margin of 238 MW or 20% of demand. However during low hydrology, the reserve margin diminishes necessitating load shedding and procurement of expensive emergency power. The peak load is projected to grow to about 2,500MW by 2015 and 15,000 MW by 2030. To meet this demand, the projected installed capacity should increase gradually to 19,169 MW by 2030.

A study conducted by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) on the economic impacts of climate change in Kenya (2009) found the country’s Green House Gas (GHG) emissions, both total and per capita, to be relatively low. However, Kenya’s GHG emissions are rising quickly and the energy sector emissions are estimated to have increased by as much as 50% over the last decade.

Over 85% of the population rely on traditional fuels such as wood, charcoal, dung, and agricultural residues for cooking and heating.



Home http://www.smep.co.ke/templates/smep-in/images/arrow.pngSMEP DTM LTD http://www.smep.co.ke/templates/smep-in/images/arrow.pngSMEP DTM LTD Philosophy


“Resource Ownership” - a concept developed by Alan.J.Brewer MSc. over 18 years of PSECC’s work - a concept whereby a Province or District can receive extra funding from Renewable Energy generation by owning such things as Solar Farms & Wind turbines. The revenue will come from the Feed-In-Tariff payed per KW generated. OWN THE RESOURCES WITHIN YOUR BOUNDARY,



Update on ISES

iluminate Kenya


Kenyalight - A Joe Mwai project for the people of Kenya with Alan Brewer MSc.

Rural Energy Foundation, Sub-Saharan Africa ... - Ashden Awards

Alan.J.Brewer MSc

UK City Energy Policy, County Energy Strategy, Country Waste Strategy - Founder of Kenyalight


Kenya Light and Power Co - Visionary Pictures


Manuel Wiechers

Partner of kenyalight


Our Solar Kits can provide a Stepping Stone into larger Solar PV systems - 10W to 130W - funding and loans will be available..

Kenyalight - an Alan Brewer MSc. project - have developed our Solar PV scheme and also the “Resource Ownership” concept, which provides a small 10W Solar PV system and fully maintenance contracts for 20 years and community involvement and training local engineering students.

There is a current pay-as-you-go scheme “Indigo” for solar kits  - provide solar power for Kenya’s rural populations, some 20 million without electricity supply. Installment plans and loans are available that puts the 10,000-shilling (about $120 for a 2.5W solar system) pack within reach of people with modest incomes. A deposit of 1,000 shillings is required and then the user makes weekly payments of 120 shillings ($1.40) for about 80 weeks and then they fully owning the system.
The Indigo system example - Scratch cards with codes enable purchasers to make their payments securely from home via SMS – using their mobile phone, which also can be kept charged with the solar kit.


iluminate Kenya

Kenyalight can provide solar kits for students to assemble for lighting and laptop chargers - we also have a solar laptop.


Kenyalight can transform educational standards in Kenya.  Solar lights, laptop chargers and even solar laptops can be provided.

Current work by SolarAid and Sunny Money will be enhanced by Kenyalight products, which can provide a stepping stone into larger systems and also meet basic requirements.


SunnyMoney – SolarAid's social enterprise selling solar lights in Africa


iTPower Group - PSECC’s preferred technical consultancy partner


“Resource Ownership” - a concept developed by Alan.J.Brewer MSc. over 18 years of PSECC’s work.

As kenya develops it’s Renewable Energy market it is a good opportunity for the Country to use the “Resource Ownership” concept whereby the Government could own, for example solar Farms and receive revenues from the Feed-In-Tariff and not the Developers.


Kenya Light and Power Company - Existing Power Company - do an extremely excellent job in Kenya.

Kenya Light and Power Company - this is a well established and very excellent power company in Kenya already but is not associated with our project.

Kenyalight will sale to the above power company electricity from Solar Farms (The kenyalight project is not associated with the Power Company above)

Kenya Light and Power Co - Visionary Pictures

www.psecc-kenya.org/ undergoing alterations at present


Solar lanterns saving lives, lighting up Kenya


·        Around 75% of Kenyans rely on kerosene lamps for their lighting needs

·        The smoke from kerosene lamps can lead to the development of respiratory illnesses

·        Solanterns is aiming to replace one million kerosene lanterns with solar-powered ones

·        The company says that each lantern will reduce CO2 emissions by 135 kilograms

(CNN) -- Every evening thousands of children in Kenya sit down and do their homework by kerosene-powered light.

However, the soot emitted from the burning lamps is not only an environmental hazard but the toxic fumes could be causing children serious harm and putting them at risk of respiratory illnesses.

Alice Njeri lives with her two sisters and their children in a suburb of Nairobi called Kayole. She says the indoor pollution can be difficult to live with.

"The Kerosene lamp emits smoke and gives my children eye problems and the smoke can bring them to tears," she said.

The United Nations Environmental Program says that in rural Kenya more women die of smoke-related illnesses than they do of malaria and tuberculosis. This smoke is from cooking and lighting fuels.

The inflammatory agents in kerosene lamps have been linked with everything from cancer to behavioral deficits. The lamps are also a safety risk as they can be easily knocked over and start fires in the home.

According to the CIA World Fact Book only a quarter of households in Kenya have electricity. It's estimated that around a third of Kenyans rely on kerosene lanterns for their lighting needs.

The solar lights have a huge impact on health, education, productivity and overall improve the quality of people's lives.
--Joseph Nganga, Solanterns


·        Kenya

·        Nairobi

·        Global Climate Change

One company is on a mission to change this and is aiming to replace one million kerosene lanterns with solar-powered ones.

It's an ambitious project but one that the team feel can really make a difference to people living in rural Kenya who do not have access to electricity.

"The solar lights have a huge impact on health, education, productivity and overall improve the quality of people's lives," said Joseph Nganga from Solanterns, an initiative of Renewable Energy Ventures.

Its lanterns cost around $25 and are powered via a solar panel, which charges a lithium ion battery. Solanterns says it has reached over 1,500 households. This was partly helped byUSAID which bought and distributed 500 lanterns around Nairobi.

But the team still has a long way to go if it is to achieve its goal.

"We hope to expand access to solar lanterns through a wider product offering to meet different consumer needs and budgets," Nganga said.

"Critical to achieving our target of replacing one million kerosene lanterns with one million solar lanterns is consumer awareness," he added.

The company says that each lantern will reduce CO2 emissions by 135 kilograms and save 52 liters of kerosene over its lifetime.

This means that as well as the environmental benefits using solar lamps will save families money on fuel.

The organization estimates that over a three-year period families will save $140 in lighting costs, making solar lamps cheaper than kerosene lamps in the long-run.

Leah also lives in Kayole and has a son in his last year at primary school. She said: "With the way life is right now and high fuel prices I couldn't always manage to buy kerosene.

"Sometimes my child has homework that he couldn't do so the lantern has really helped me."

Solar lighting is also being credited with better grades for school children. According to Solantern's research, over half of children living in households with a solar lantern were able to study an extra two hours a night.

"My child's performance is different now because he could not do homework and study at night with the kerosene lamp," Leah added. "He performs much better now."

As well as using her solar lamp in the home, Njeri says that she uses it on her market stall in the evening. Its makers say it can lead to better sales at fruit and vegetable stands as produce is no longer spoiled by fumes from kerosene lamps.

"My kids tell me not to return to the kerosene lantern but to instead bury it," Njeri said.


Other smaller solar light scheme


SunnyMoney – SolarAid's social enterprise selling solar lights in Africa


Kenya. SunnyMoney sells a range of high quality solar lights. For general ... Solar power is reliable power that saves you money, improves health, betters ...

Other systems available in kenya -

The Solar Lanterns


The Solanterns Initiative promotes the SUN KINGTM solar lanterns, designed and manufactured by Greenlight Planet Inc..

They are tested and certified by the World Bank/IFC Program "Lighting Africa", which is a proof of their high quality. 

Additionally, the Solanterns Initiative offers a 1-year warranty and take the batteries back for recycling. 






100 lumen bright light; 10 times brighter than kerosene lamps



2.5 W panel also charges on cloudy days


Charges all most common types of mobile phones


Rural Energy Foundation, Sub-Saharan Africa ... - Ashden Awards


More than 70% of sub-Saharan Africa has no access to electricity. In rural areas this often exceeds 95%. The Rural Energy Foundation (REF) has met this need  ...

Visit SolarAid

Rural Energy Foundation, Sub-Saharan Africa ... - Ashden Awards

Africa often in the dark. - video

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=OeqkgTJP4C8 - Nigeria devlopments

1.   An Inspirational Documentary on the Fight Against Global Warming ...


From director Davis Guggenheim, An Inconvenient Truth is a passionate and inspirational look at former Vice President Al Gore's fervent crusade to halt global  ...

 Al Gore: New thinking on the climate crisis | Video on TED.com

► 12:58► 12:58 24 Jul 2008 In this brand-new slideshow (premiering on TED.com), Al Gore presents evidence that the pace of climate...


- Kenyalight project will use this model for developing this for Kenya to bring light to to the darkness Kenya through loans.


BVM, MSc.(Nairobi), PhD (Bern)


The University of Nairobi and Professor Kima Sepphen Gitahi has been approached to offer support to the Kenyalight project in Ngong District. Hopefully Students wil become involved with this project and also conduct surveys for Kenyalight.


Energy Crops - 1000 Ha establishment of Miscanthus Energy Crop - seeds used - 5MW Energy Plant eventually.

image001Exclusive: Huge water reserve discovered in Kenya




Alan.J.Brewer MSc - obtained from Portsmouth University

Educated - Portsmouth University, Plymouth University and Southampton University - ITCERES.

City Energy Policy (1995), HNRI Energy Coordination (2002), County Energy Strategy Input & UK Country Waste Strategy


Bob Lisney OBE, right of centre at the HNRI UK launch above - appointed Alan Brewer to be the HNRI Energy Coordinator in 2002 who had City Energy Policy, County Energy Strategy & UK Country Waste Strategy.

PSECC formed out of the HNRI work- Kenya and parent organisation PSECC in the UK had requested assistance from ILUMEXICO and also are requesting project funding from USAID and also from Kiva in USA that we are considered for status of Kiva Field Partners for Kenyalight.

www.psecc-kenya.org/     www.kenyalight.uwclub.net / Portsmouth Sustainable Energy & Climate Change Centre - PSECC


Portsmouth, like other Global Cities have issues with Climate Change, Global Warming & Sustainable Development . As the Earth warms more and more, seas ...

Latest reference of PSECC’s work
