
Kenyalight Project Limited - a social enterprise

Solar PV- for the people of kenya - Clean Energy for all. Solar Computers to...

Lights & phone chargers - High quality longer lasting, long term maintenance & community training.


PSECC Headquarters UK - Portsmouth Sustainable Energy & Climate Change Centre - PSECC

Solar Kits for the people of Kenya - from 10W to 130W - pay monthly


iluminate Kenya


It’s not just Polar Bears at Risk & dying but Humans are dying too due to Climate Change.


PSECC have been asked by the EIB & UNEP to offer project documentation for renewable energy projects for consideration for First Mover funding.


Alan Brewer Graduated in 1997 in MSc Environmental Engineering

from Portsmouth University UK



Prince Charles’s project management team have assisted Alan Brewer with the UK - HCC Schools Renewable Energy programme, in particular Mountbatten School in Ringwood & funding consideration for Solar PV..

The Prince is being approached to ask for his support for the exciting Kenyalight project for the people of Kenya & Africa.


- Kenyalight project will use this model for developing this for Kenya to bring light to to the darkness Kenya through loans.

kenya landscape 3

Exclusive: Huge water reserve discovered in Lotikipi Kenya


Karol Mwai

Legal Director for Kenyalighgt


Village Solar PV Pods

Four lights per dwelling &,

one 240 v socket per village hut

and one central village water bore-hole standpipe powered by Solar PV pump.


 Mini (& micro) grids can take several forms/configurations.



Solar PV can be integrated at multiple points and the energy this generates will feed into the micro grid network and be consumed or stored in any/all of the battery modules on that network.


 Our technology can be applied to creating a local grid network that has a central conventional generating source (e.g. a diesel generator) that then feeds to multiple distribution points each of which might have a hybrid/battery storage unit through which a distribution branch is fed.


 The generator can be called to support the system in the event that the stored energy is depleted.


 PSECC-Kenya would like to provide Solar PV to a total of ten Village Pod Mini Off Grid systems for each of the old 48 Local Authorities In Kenya, totalling 480 Village Pod systems and 48 Solar PV School Pod systems and 48 Hospital Pods.

 We propose to the government of Kenya installing one light per room of each heard or house, totaling four lights with just one 240v socket per house or hut.



A very important concept for kenya to consider

“Resource Ownership” concept

As Kenya develop Solar PV it is important that this development is truly Sustainable. The “Resource Ownership” concept could enable long term Sustainable Energy for the Country and not just exploited by quick buck companies. - a concept developed by Alan.J.Brewer MSc. over 18 years of PSECC’s work - a concept whereby a Province or District can receive extra funding from Renewable Energy generation by owning such things as Solar Farms & Wind turbines. The revenue will come from the Feed-In-Tariff (FIT) paid per KW generated  $millions..  GOVERNMENT OWN THE RESOURCES WITHIN YOUR BOUNDARY,  PSECC-KENYA can assist in raising all funding required for such development as Solar Farms and Wind Turbines to be owned by the Government. After Kenyalight Trial and phase one, two and three into phase four then any costs associated with building a Solar Farm or Wind Turbines are paid back from the FIT so there is no requirement for funding or cash outlay from Governments - PSECC supply Energy Savings & Resource Ownership loans.....


- Kenyalight project will use this model for developing this for Kenya to bring light to to the darkness Kenya through loans.


The largest share of Kenya’s electricity supply comes from hydroelectric stations at dams along the upper Tana River, as well as the Turkwel George Dam in the west. A petroleum-fired plant on the coast, geothermal facilities at Olkaria (near Nairobi), and electricity imported from Uganda make up the rest of the supply.

Kenya’s installed capacity stood at 1,142 MW a year between 2001 and 2003. The state-owned Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen), established in 1997 under the name of Kenya Power Company, handles the generation of electricity, while the Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC), which is slated for privatization, handles transmission and distribution. Shortfalls of electricity occur periodically, when drought reduces water flow. In 1997 and 2000, for example, drought prompted severe power rationing, with economically damaging 12-hour blackouts. Frequent outages, as well as high cost, remain serious obstacles to economic activity.

Tax and other concessions are planned to encourage investment in hydroelectricity and in Geothermal Energy , in which Kenya is a pioneer. The government plans to open two new power stations in 2008, Sondu Miriu (hydroelectric) and Olkaria IV (geothermal), but power demand growth is strong, and demand is still expected to outpace supply during periods of drought.

Kenya has recently found some hydrocarbon reserves on its semi arid northern region of Turkana after several decades of intermittent exploration. Prospecting also continues off Kenya’s shore. In the meantime, Kenya currently imports all crude petroleum requirements.

Petroleum accounts for 20 to 25 percent of the national import bill. Kenya Petroleum Refineries—a 50:50 joint venture between the government and several oil majors—operates the country’s sole oil refinery in Mombasa , which currently meets 60 percent of local demand for petroleum products. In 2004 oil consumption was estimated at 55,000 barrels (8,700 m3) a day. Most of the Mombasa refinery’s production is transported via Kenya’s Mombasa–Nairobi pipeline.

Kenya sees the light with tech

Miles Amoore, Lake Victoria Published: 15 September 2013


Masai farmers use mobile phones to check the latest market produce prices